Thursday, 14 May 2009

Tanglia builders

These are the people who have had most to do with making Tanglia what it is:-
Pristeen Barbosa - Manager of Worlds' End Tavern who schedules the events, conceives, builds, and organises the scenery, keeps order and is overall fantastic! Enthusiastic, organised and one of my best friends in Second Life.
Lexa Sands - Runs our two music and games servers which are located in France and Las Vegas, programs all our various gadgets, helps Pristeen to build.
Talia Jiang - Owner of Tanglia. Overal concept and running the Island.

From Talia's second life

Left to right: Talia, Pristeen and Lexa

1 comment:

Peter Stindberg said...

I haven't visited Tanglia in ages. Used to call it my home for quite a while :-) I shall come visiting again.