Monday, 4 May 2009

Kael's Accidentally Greek Steak?

Today we were talking about food. Kaelson Muliania asked whether this sounded any good.

[14:12] Kaelson Muliaina: So, I have the meat marinading while I see if you guys think my new plan has any merit
[14:12] Talia Jiang: OK kael, listening
[14:13] Kaelson Muliaina: About a pound of beef, marinaded in vinegar and oil, chopped up, cooked in a skillet with some of red onion
[14:14] Kaelson Muliaina: Then, a side of tomatoes with olive oil, basil, and a little bit more balsamic vinegar
[14:15] Talia Jiang: Are you asking advice?
[14:15] Kaelson Muliaina: Yeah
[14:15] Kaelson Muliaina: Does that sound good?
[14:15] Talia Jiang: I would brown the meat first, then take it out soften the onions then add the meat back in
[14:15] Kaelson Muliaina: Not cook them together?
[14:16] Talia Jiang: The onions need about ten minutes alone for caramelisation
[14:16] Talia Jiang: You can add sugar to onions to speed it up
[14:16] Talia Jiang: Its the conversion of the sulphurs to a sweeter fuller taste
[14:17] Talia Jiang: When the onions have turned more yellow you know that they are ready
[14:18] Kaelson Muliaina: Hoooo! (I start playing VHS or Beta, Night on fire)
[14:18] Talia Jiang: If you want a more bitter taste use butter instead of oil
[14:18] Kaelson Muliaina: I like this song
[14:18] Talia Jiang: Me too !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to sprinkle some rosemary on everything when you're done. ]:)
